
Privacy Policy

Lonely City Apparel is dedicated to providing the best experience possible for our customers. This does not only apply to our products, but it also applies to all areas of the business.

  1. What information does Lonely City Apparel collect?
    We collect your name, postal address, email address and phone number. All personal and private information provided is used solely for business purposes within Lonely City Apparel (i.e. posting your package, enabling us to contact you if needed) and will not be provided to any third parties.

  2. How does Lonely City Apparel use this information?
    We only use your information when sending out orders, or contacting your should there be any problems. We keep your information private and we are committed to keeping your information yours.

  3. Does Lonely City Apparel share/transfer your information?
    No, we never have, and never will share, sell or trade your information to third parties.

  4. What about my Credit Card Details?
    We do not, at any point, obtain your credit card details; with these details going through PayPal and Square. This ensures that your information remains private and is protected via PayPal’s online security.
We are a small business and understand the need to protect the interests of our customers. As a result, we strive to ensure that all information provided either online or in person is protected by the strictest of privacy policies as per the Australian Privacy Act 1988 as well as the Australian Privacy Principles (Privacy Act).
Lonely City Apparel operates under the ABN 63 883 715 627 .